JON BON JOVI movie “The Leading Man THE LEADING MAGAZINE Vol.1″(JAPAN,1997)

artist : JON BON JOVI
title:The Leading Man THE LEADING MAGAZINE Vol.1
year : 1997
country : JAPAN
Japanese title : 妻の恋人、夫の愛人
original year, country:1996, UK
option:4page leaflet




appears:JON BON JOVI as Robin Grange




First-time film by JON BON JOVI, The Leading Man’s Japanese version 4-page flyer. It is entitled “THE LEADING MAGAZINE Vol.1", and the introduction of movie and Jon is written.



ジョン・ボン・ジョヴィの初主演映画、妻の恋人、夫の愛人の日本版4ページフライヤー。"THE LEADING MAGAZINE Vol.1″と題され、映画やジョンの紹介が書かれている。



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